We carefully select and prepare our snacks to ensure the highest quality and flavor. From the classic crunch of chips to the nostalgic joy of fresh popcorn, our snacks are sure to please. Our snacks are perfect for any occasion, whether you need a quick pick-me-up, a tasty addition to your movie night, or a treat to share with friends and family.
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A person who observes or participates in an agricultural tourism activity on this property assumes the risks inherent in agricultural tourism activity. Risks inherent in the agricultural tourism activity may include conditions on the land, the unpredictable behavior of farm animals, the ordinary dangers associated with equipment used in farming operations, and the potential that a participant in the agricultural tourism activity may act in a negligent way that may contribute to injury or death. The agricultural tourism provider is not liable for the injury or death of a person involved in an agricultural tourism activity resulting from those inherent risks. Wisconsin State Statute 895.524
Farm Store, Bakery & Gift Shop Hours:
Mon-Thurs 9:00AM-4:00PM
Fri-Sun 8:30AM-4:00PM
Red Barn Restaurant Hours:
Mon-Thurs 9:00AM-3:00PM
Fri-Sun 8:30AM-3:00PM
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