Spring Orchard Tour and Bug Safari

Learn About the Miraculous Relationship Between Bugs and Humans with the Spring Orchard Tour and Bug Safari Field Trip

March, April & May

Learning on the Farm Has Never Been More Fun!

Your adventure begins with an interactive and educational lesson on pollination and how bugs benefit our orchards and gardens. We’ll dive into topics such as bees and the parts of a bee hive, ants and how their colonies work, and the luck of ladybugs. 

Learn about the difference between good and bad bugs, and how the good bugs protect us from the bad. Next, we’ll embark on an exciting orchard journey to discover these fascinating bugs in their natural habitat! Explore and discover in our Farm Park, and see the beauty of the blossoming apple trees.

This field trip is perfect for students in preschool through second grade.

Bee on Blossom
edited goat bridge

Your Engaging Educational Experience Includes:

Cost of Spring Orchard Tour and Bug Safari Field Trip

$10.50 per person (children and adults)

A minimum of 30 participants is required. Groups smaller than 30 may be paired with another group to meet the minimum. 

Reservations are Required.

Includes Wisconsin Common Core Standards in Nutrition, Science, Life and Environmental Science

How to Book Your Apple Holler Field Trip

To book your Spring Orchard Tour and Bug Safari Field Trip, please call Sheryl at (262) 884-7100 or fill out your Reservation Request form by clicking the button below. Please note: By filling out the Reservation Request form, you are not automatically booking your field trip.